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Page history last edited by brendan.hoar@... 10 years, 4 months ago









A CD RIPPING ROBOT? Why on Earth do I need a ROBOT?


  • Do you have a large CD collection (100? 500? 3000?) and have decided that they are taking up too much room in your home?
  • Did you rip all of your CDs to low-quality lossy formats such as MP3 or AAC but you now realize you should have ripped them to high-quality lossless formats such as ALAC or FLAC?
  • Do you dread sitting near your computer for days feeding it CDs?
  • Why don't you let a machine do all that for you... 



$150 each plus $35 per unit UPS Ground shipping to lower 48 states USA)





  • A Kodak-labelled Microboards USB-attached 50-disc CD Autoloader robot for automated ripping of CDs to your Windows PC.
  • Basic hardware operation: load 5 to 50 CDs on the spindle, lock the tip, invert the spindle into the hopper, orient the spindle according to the stamped arrow and click it into place.
  • The robot takes care of loading and unloading CDs into the integrated drive as directed by the Hyperdiscs software.
  • The purchase of the autoloader includes USB drivers and my custom Hyperdiscs software which interacts with iTunes or dbpoweramp (not included) for fast automated ripping of large CD libraries.
  • You will find instructions here: Kodak-CD-Ripper-Instructions  




Basic Features:


  • Autoloading of discs for hands free ripping of jobs up to 50 CDs using iTunes or dbpoweramp. 
  • Optionally configurable to pause and ring a bell on problematic discs (damaged or failed metadata lookups).
  • Programmers can use core Hyperdiscs ULCLI command line client in your own CD automation projections




  • USB 2.0 connection
  • Microboards heavy-duty robots platform
  • Teac CD-W552DA CD-RW drive
  • Supports: CD-R/CD-RW
  • Up to 36x CD burst ripping speed
  • C2 error detection for sub-frame error handling during secure ripping
  • 0KB audio cache allows for fast re-reads during secure ripping
  • 1-Year Warranty (replacements only, you pay shipping) 


What is in the box (USB and power cables not included):


  • These units were originally built by Microboards for Kodak's Photo Kiosks for dispensing PhotoCDs about 10 years ago.
  • The new in box units have never been opened outside of the factory.
  • In industry parlance, they would be called "New Old Stock" (NOS). 
  • If you do not have a power and/or USB cable, I can open and reseal the box to provide them to you for free at your request. However by doing so, the box will no longer be factory sealed.


Hardware requirements:


  • Windows compatible PC
  • USB 2.0 A/B cable
  • Standard PC or monitor three prong power cable


Software Requirements:


  • Windows XP, Windows 7 Pro in XP Mode or Windows 8.*
  • iTunes (free) or dbpoweramp ($38 after a free, fully functional, 30-day trial)
  • Administrator access to the machine


* technically works with Windows Vista and Windows 7 w/o XP Mode, but runs very slow due to a Microsoft USB driver bug.


Software Provided with purchase (via email):


  • Two sets of windows drivers for robot interface from the chipset manufacturer (for different versions of Windows).
  • iTunes compatible robot script.
  • A robot "driver pack" for dbpoweramp's Batch Ripper application.




  • Kodak(Microboards) USB PC Attached 50 Disc CD Autoloader  (Compatible with iTunes or dbpoweramp) 
  • Last Year's Price: $300.00 + $35 UPS Ground
  • This Year's Price: $150.00 + $35 UPS Ground
  • Each box weighs 19 lbs. and measures 22" x 19" x 12" 



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